Observations and Findings about Spetial Proporties

Yesterday, we had a trip to METU in order to observe spaces in terms of our keywords in our projects, and understand the relation between the field and instances. I can say that the trip was very useful and enjoyable. The enjoyable thing was experiencing these spaces and discover relations. Then we should conclude our observations and reflect the idea we got, into our projects. I want to summerize my overall ideas about the spaces which i observed, then i can seperate the general issues into 4; Interaction of field and instances, spatial relations and proporties, transition as my keyword and how i observed it, as executing all of them into my project: differentiation of transition in spaces.


First issue is field and instance perplexity. Sadly all of us was hard pressed about the interaction of field and instances. It is hard to find the right way to interact these two element while making clear that they have different proporties. I can show you some photographs about this issue and make it clear that they can be used in a very simple way which they are not seperated from eachother.


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The most basic way to do is shaping the elevation of the instances or extanding one surface of the instance.We can think that the elevations are parst of the field then we can compose and arrange them in a very regular way. So, the field would be oriented into the instances and this situation create a new space.





The other field issue is about entrance. I observed that, mostly the enrances are elevated compared to the general level. This situation creates a threshold and emphasize the importance of that space.


The space on the second picture above has a different approach. If i want to create a space like first photo, i use pieces of field and create elevations, however, to create entrance like second photo, i would create it from instance.

In METU, there are differentiation of levels and it creates different spaces between the buildings. Then we should execute this situation into our field and instance as interaction. We can see this situation in following photo.




I can say that, the way to create interaction between instances and field is defining experimental spaces and focusing how they look as a whole.


Secondly, i want to talk about spatial relations. I have discovered very well emphasized relations which look like be created by free planes. I want to use these relations in my project. It can be clearly seen in following photos.


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Then i realized some new relations between planes which create several space at the same time. The most exciting thing is that although these spaces are created in a very simple way, they are very effective. for example;



These approach provide transitory and permeable spaces and the whole composition is very well defined. I decided to be very clear and show the spaces without any suspicion. If i can do it, it will be better.

I discovered that, an instance and field can be shaped in a way. In addition, they should improve together.

The another thing is shape of a plane which we use in creating space. A plane may be any shape. And also it can be continuos while changing its shape.




As you know, my keyword is “transition” and my hashtag was #differentiation.My aim is creating differentiation between transitory spaces. So i try to create a transition between transitory spaces via increasing the transition level. So i should focus on transition in a spatial manner. I observed some spaces in METU and i will try to be more clear in my approach and try to achieve creating well-defined transitory spaces.

Firstly, i start with a photo which shows that transition between spaces can be inbetween spaces, and it can be crated via moves and effects of field.


Transitory spaces can easily connect other spaces and they have a chance of being threshold. There are lots of photo i took, and i want to first show them.


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They are between some other spaces and they are also space inself.  So the function of transitory spaces is more than others.



My hashtah is #differentiation, so i should study to level of transition of transitory spaces. Maybe i can firtly study on entrance of some spaces. While less trantition part include only one or two enrtance, the situation can change while going other side of the project and the second part of it can be created continuos (not interrupted) spaces.



Quick Impression

Quick Impression

If you remember i have shared lots of examples of quick impression sessions. This is the one of them which is very fresh produced in architecture studios. That’s the way we learn important buildings which has importance in terms of architectural design and also the way is very enjoyable. While the music comes from the backside, we try to catch some point and via abstraction we produced spaces and buildings in a very creative way. This week, we just used different materials and tried to create different textures while reflecting the examples of architecture.