This week, Cem Altınöz from Öncüoğlu Architecture (and he is also instructor in our university) came and talked about project development project and organization in a large scale project.

Firstly he mentioned about the differences between large scale and small scale projects. The difference is not only amount of place, the complexity of organization changes also. For an investor, it is important to create an image in market, for achieving this, the investor applies an architect, and an architect works with 2 kinds of group; one is minor project groups of people, and consultants. Minor project groups are mainly structural, mechanical, electrical, landscape and infrastructure groups. An architect should work with them. Main consultations are acoustics, fire, façade, detail, kitchen design, ceiling plans, mechanical HVAC plans etc. An architect works with these consultants and creates a unity for the final proposal of application project. In last stage, there should be detailed architectural sections and elevations, finishing schedule and some other data with the main drawings.  With the façade consultant, there could be mock-up on site for the first trial of impression and application

After all, he mainly gave some examples about his architectural office and made some detailed explanation about some consultations.


Emsalsiz: Scenario | Program

As the last group work in studio, we have desired the scenario and usertypes. We defined some actors for some movements and propose some possible space organisations. Also, we worked on spatial relations in building. We designed “decks” in order to provide flood between spaces had different functions.

Our manifest is “People forget having fun while working.” (Cedric Price)

The function of building is not exactly one thing because of the multi functionality issue we observed and studied previous stage of project. Multi functionality is one of the most important points which we focused on in scenario. The functions the building have are

  • cultural activities
  • teaching activities
  • working
  • studying
  • reading
  • relaxing
  • socializing
  • eating
  • learning

We want to create a hub for all these functions and maximum user type as possible as.



After first jury, we reshaped the buildings. According to sunlight we uprised the north parts of the building, and downrised the south parts. As a result of this idea, the shapes turned to buildings with terraces. These terraces created usable social spaces. Then, we reorganized the inner spaces, esspecially corridors according to the first pre jury critics.

The main idea of us were urban balcony. The urban balconies which are placed on the 2nd floor levels on each building, create a social hub for both people living here and coming from outside. The terraces are just avaliable for people who live there. The levels of publicness are also what we focus on.

The elevated lines create different levels, and seperate the circulation of pedestrian and bicyle from the ground level. The level differentiations provide users different experiences of Kurtuluş Park and also roads and buildings. The idea of level differentiation is coming from the sketches of green areas in Ankara.(You can see below) The basic cause of that people usually prefer to go parks which are provide different types of levels and surfaces such as Seğmenler and Kuğulu Park. But the parks which stuck to the ground level, used for just transition. This analysis make us think that to create different levels make the experiences richer. So, Kurtuluş Park should be a place that people go there on purpose. Also, the idea change the all Kurtuluş area to a student center and active pedestrian and bicyle circulation area.

In prejury2, we accepted the critics about bicyle parking. One of the jury members suggested that people want to reach their houses with their bicyles. So, there would be a great idea to create ramps into buildings. After jury, we focused on this idea. Also, another comment was that elevated lines could be more bravely designed. So the second issue which we reconsider now is the movement and placement of elevated lines.

I hope we will make the project better until the final jury, and i will share with you the final draft of the project, not so far, just a few weeks later. See you soon.

2nd jury pafta copy

The site analysis, the green areas of Ankara analysis and sketches, the levels of the elevated lines, the structure elements and how they come together, the elevated line map, the sketches of elevated line, the 3D presentations of the buildings and line.


2nd jury 2 copy

1/1000 top view of the all area, 1/500 top views of the buildings, 1/50 plans of units.



It was the firts pre-jury for this semester and we present our ideas and drwawings about the university-housing project to the jury.

Our main idea was the urban balcony. We stated from that idea and after a while we were trying to connect three urban balconies of three different buildings. So, we designed elevated lines for both interconnecting these three sites, and seperating the pedestrian movement from car trafic.

So, for the first pre-jury, we had the idea of the newest circulation of pedestrian and bicyle and the design decisions of inner spaces. Then, we accepted negative critics about inner desicions of buildings. The corridors were very long, so we should break the monotony.

In addition, in the Pre-jury1, we got some ideas about shapes of buildings. So, we decide to reshape them, also reconsider the inner organisations of them.



What is scale? Scale for what? What kind of scale?
Spaces are created for the usage of people. The usage may change accordingly, but there is always a usage, so, can we say scale is all about usage?
The resemblance between a theatre and architecture is the main excitement about the busy of creation in architecture. The writer of a theatre should arrange all the details of the fiction and the motions, also emotions of the scenes. It gives him a power and if it is used well, the impact of the theatre would be undeniable. The organization of the scenes and escalation of amount of emotion create the impact. As same as theatre, there is a power that provides users some feelings, functions and perception. Actually the way of architecture is to create series of actions for potential users. The motion thing is so related with these arrangements. The arrangement of scale identifies the arrangements of the actions and emotions. For example, before the modernism, because world was on impact of the religion, the message that was wanted to be given to people was that people were weak compared to the God. The religious places were always so important and have very giant scale in order to emphasize the situation of being just human and lead people to pray and believe. The feelings of people who entered the religious spaces were a bit trembled, respectful and peaceful. The messages were directly given. The changes on the world also change the scale of the spaces. For example, in the spaces of modern world, the impact which is wanted to be created is that everybody is equal and people are not so different. So, the houses resemble each other, the spaces are so controlled and generally private ones are smaller than the oldest examples. The religious spaces are also changed in the today’s world, because the function of the religious space is not to create an impact of fear, just create a space for acts of worship. So, the forms of spaces, the importance of visual effects of the spaces are changed in the modern world.
In palaces, in gardens, in boulevards, in religious spaces, in both private and public perceptions are straitened in the modern world. It is the result of the machine ages, modern movement and changes on the life styles of people. The motions of modern people are accelerated. So, transitory spaces are getting important and reshaped. The metros, shopping centers, airports, train stations, roads, pedestrian roads are created according to these new types of motions of people. The motion sometimes lengthens the spaces, and to lead people to be faster, may be straiten. The shapes of spaces are shaped according to the motion which people are wanted to be leaded. So, the scale is the most important tool to manage this. Now on, can we say finally, scale is a portion of motion? I say yes. Then the scale has a function of limiting the both motions and emotions on the scenes of the architectural theatre.